Friday, September 19, 2008

Try, Try...Try Again?

This is my second attempt with this hat. I tried it last year, as well.

Second Try

This time it's too big. And it's made with a large seam that's designed to cover the ears with double the fabric. I like the idea in theory, but in practice it means that there's a big, chunky seam running right through the pattern. And you can see it, especially since it's too big for his noggin.

So, ever emboldened (?!), I've decided to try again, but this time I'm using Meg Swansen's V. Warm Hat (Rav link) that I got at Knitting Camp last year, and N has chosen the motif from the We Call Them Pirates hat. Should be interesting! At least this one is completely's basically two hats, one knit inside the other. I hope it'll work. It has's the third time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute!