I'm pretty new to blogging, so I don't know how many people will actually join me in doing this Random Act of Kindness (it's
Random Acts of Kindness week, dontcha know?) But I had to try to do something. Rally the troops, as it were.
We learned late last week that one of my son's preschool classmates was just diagnosed with leukemia. I immediately decided to make her a soft, cotton hat and have it almost finished--a roll-brim hat in Cotton-Ease with a little flower sewn to the side. Think you could join me in making one, too? If you have the time and inclination, please leave me a way to contact you in the comments and I'll send you the address to send it to. It should be very soft and machine washable and dryable and about 19-20" around. Like many 3-year-old girls, she loves to show her girliness, so all things pink and purple and frilly are a-OK and highly suggested. She also loves horses and fairies, and she has an older sister who is in 1st grade. If you'd prefer to knit a puppet or a toy or heck, even some socks, those would be most appreciated, as well.
Thanks, knitters. Peace to you on Valentine's Day.
UPDATE! Let's ramp this up! Grateful thanks to those who have responded to my call. I so appreciate it. Direct your friends here because there's gonna be a CONTEST! With a PRIZE! The knitter of the cutest, most girliest handknit item sent in the next three weeks will receive one skein of
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport in Purple Club. Have at it.