Anyway, lately there is no time to knit during the day. I don't think of this as anyone's "fault" but rather just that right now life is busy with two little beings. I have always been sure I will miss the hell out of their little selves when they are even 6 and 8 years old, so I am trying to enjoy them as much as possible. As possible as they make it, that is.
So a 7:30 p.m. bedtime for them leaves me with 1.5 or maybe 2 hours of knitting time at night. And usually I am truly beat. Very spent and don't really feel like spending it doing math or

I have to keep telling myself this, unfortunately, because I'm so inspired by so many blogs and projects out there and sometimes it gets to the point where I feel guilty for not pushing my skills more.
The truth is that right now, knitting for me is about getting to my center, doing something I really enjoy and making something that looks nice. Maybe when they are 6 and 8 and I will have the energy to do backflips.
I understand you so well. I keep thinking that I should be choosing really interesting designs and challenging myself but then I look at the projects I'm working on and they're pretty straightforward stockinette, and that's actually quite fine right now. No need to give myself a migraine when knitting is supposed to be my relaxing hobby! :)
I always have to have something easy on the needles as well as something that's more challenging. It's suppose to be relaxing, right?
This is your sock pal from Sockapalooza-and I think that your jacket is looking really great. I'm having a great time reading through your blog to try and decide on the perfect pattern and color for your socks.
Right, mine are 7 and 10......no backflips yet.
Good on ya for keeping your knitting enjoyable and doing what you can during this phase of your family life without stressing over it!
Yes yes yes yes -- doing what helps you centered. That is what is most important and THAT is what is revealed in your amazing work. It's beautiful because you are! Always love to you.
I totaly understand! I think that is why I havent pushed myself either. I'm usually doing somthing like hats... Like you said, when they are older maybe I'll have time and energy to somthing more complicated!
I found knitting to be the best way to relax after a long day. Try to choose simple patterns for a while that don't demand a lot of counting and figuring special stitches. You are so right in that it is a way to be centered. And when they are older, your skills will be great and you can do the harder stuff!
Yeah, I just started a giant plain stockinette project because you never have to think about where you are in the pattern. Hmm, what's this next row, oh, right, stockinette! I'm just lucky that son #2 is a sleeper or I wouldn't be knitting at all. :)
The jacket looks great! I think the color will be perfect on you.
Ah yes, I've been knitting Magic 28 socks for exactly the same reason. No thinking, just knitting.
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