I've worn this about three times now, and I have to say I'm not too happy with the wear-factor or durability (? it's early) of this yarn. Maybe it's that I didn't knit it at a tight enough gauge, but it's pilling like crazy and because the yarn is already nubbly, it just looks homemade to me instead of handmade. Unfortunate. Maybe I should have struggled on those size 8 needles instead of knitting it at a bulky gauge.
As for our son, I got word that the ENT has greenlighted (greenlit?) getting him on the OR schedule, but that it might be three or four weeks until we get a spot. Insert expletive here. At least he actually ate something besides milkshakes for dinner last night. To be a little more clear, he doesn't have tonsillitis and in fact isn't sick at all. He doesn't have strep throat. His tonsils have seemingly decided to poof out ('specially that left one), leaving the barest minimum of space between them, for no apparent reason. This is the main reason to do surgery. But ending all the sleep apnea will be a bonus, too. Right now our guy, 5 years old, is napping daily--something he hasn't done since he had pneumonia last year. He's just not getting any quality sleep at night because his breathing makes him sound like a tractor. Thank you for all your positive comments.
I'm so glad you were able to find out the cause of your son's problem and now have a solution! Here's to getting in sooner rather than later for the fix! :-) The cardi looks awesome, by the way. Sorry it's pilling already. I think it's gorgeous, pills or not.
It must be a relief to have a diagnosis and a plan for your son's problem. I'm sorry he's so uncomfortable in the meantime!
The sweater looks great; it's too bad about the pilling. What yarn is it?
Bummer about the pilling, I HATE pilling! I'll remember to use my McTaggart Tweed for something that won't see a lot of heavy traffic. Still will be super cozy to wear around the house if it gets too pilly for public consumption.
I'm glad they approved the surgery, but sucks that it's so far in the future! Such a long time to wait for a kid (and the parent who's worried about the kid!)
Argh! Pilling? The tomten is out of McTaggart tweed, but I am using size 7 needles (murder on my hands). we'll see what happens. I am glad that your son has been diagnosed, it's hard not knowing "what's wrong", I hope they can fit him into the ER schedule sooner rather than later.
Oh dear. See, what I do is read all the many blogs I read with varying amounts of distractions through the day. But I save up the ones I really want to focus on to read while it is quiet. So I can comment and such. Anyway, I feel bad for not knowing about your little guy. I hope he's doing okay. I'll be thinking all the positive tonsil-y thoughts on his behalf. And yours, too. The mommy's tend to have a tougher time than the kids, right?
My friends' kids have had the surgery and they are doing so much better now. I hope all goes well for your son.
My tonsils did the same thing when I was four or five, for no reason. That's great that they'll just take them out now! I had to wait until I was 18--it wasn't en vogue to remove tonsils when we were kids, I guess. Hooray for your lil' guy--hope he's feeling better soon.
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