Once upon a time at a store that shall remain nameless, I found a few skeins of "Aunt Lydia's Quick Crochet Denim" on clearance. So, as they were a neutral color and a mostly cotton blend, I picked them up. After I ordered Elann Naturelle 8/8, I realized they are basically the same yarn, manufactured, I think, by Jimtex. Anyway, I've always kept a lookout for more Naturelle 8/8 and Aunt Lydia's at good prices. Who am I kidding? I have two young kids and I don't mind knitting with cotton. This stuff washes and wears well.
Last week I scored. I got 7 skeins of Aunt Lydia's in Plum for $2.97 each from Herschnerrs. There are 400 yards in each! That's 2800 yards of this stuff for under $21. I was pleasantly surprised when I received it, too. Nicely flecked with raspberry, pinks and blues. I couldn't get the photo to represent the color quite right. It's darker than this. I might make another Wallaby for myself...

What a great deal! Good for you. :-)
The log cabin blanket is coming along very nicely!
Tsk, Tsk, I don't say cheap, I say inexpensive ;-) and when I knit around my Little Miss Sunshine and she "frogs" my project for me by accident I am glad it is inexpensive yarn to begin with.
Love the good deals and I love that blanket!
I jumped over from MDKAL - I love your wallaby's! I took a stab at one and ripped it out. Seeing you make so many has inspired me again. There is a newborn to arrive soon so maybe if I try the smallest to figure it out, I can move on to the big girls. The log cabin blanket is looking wonderful too.
Bargain! I too love cotton, its so wearable!
How is the sleeping chart going? I still make myself sticker charts to help get motivated... I hope it's working for the little guy.
I am all about cheap yarn, especially for baby items and afghans. You need to be able to machine wash and dry it! Every afghan I have made has been acrylic, and all recipients have oohed and aahed over them. So I say, GO FOR IT.
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